나비 한마리만 보면 작은 나비의 지난 세월의 상처들만 보입니다. 그러나 고개를 들어 전체를 보게되면 더이상 작은 존재가 아닙니다.
상처받은 그들이 모여 마을의 수호나무인 은행나무와 같이 되었습니다.
희망을 뜻하는 은행나무답게 그들의 지난 아픔은 후대의 여성들에게 희망을 비춰주는 존재가 되었습니다. 

If you look at a butterfly, you can only see the scars of the little butterfly of the past.
But when you lift your head and see the whole, you are no longer small. 
The wounded ones gathered and became like the ginkgo tree, the guardian tree of the village.
Like a ginkgo tree that symbolizes hope, their past pain has become a source of hope for future women.
“Butterfly Tree” is an Augmented reality application that allows you to view art works from a different view. When you run the “Butterfly Tree” application, the camera is automatically activated. If you look at the works installed in the exhibition space through the mobile camera, you can see the virtual graphic that was not seen when you saw the work with your eyes directly. This app presents a new exhibition method for AR techniques that blend artwork installed in the real space and virtual graphics displayed through mobile devices. “Butterfly Tree” is a work of graphisme.xyz. You can appreciate the works by visiting not only the exhibition but also the website of "seojh.xyz". In addition, you can print out the image of the work on the website. Artists can view their graphic works updated whenever they visit “Butterfly Tree” periodically with updating their works. Also, “Butterfly Tree” is pursuing the works that make viewers can communicate an opinion to artists. Enjoy imaginative space through “Butterfly Tree”
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